Selling a home use to be about “curb appeal” but these days it’s also picture appeal. Let’s face it, the most beautiful homes don’t have a chance with poor photography, you know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words… and maybe an extra few thousand on the sale price too. That doesn’t mean you have to go out and hire an expensive professional real estate photographer either. In today’s world we pretty much have a camera at our fingertips with our phones. And most shoot in Hi definition. In most cases these images will work great. But the real key is in the staging and the lighting.
But before you shoot photography, you might need to do a little staging first. We’ve combined these helpful videos on staging your home, creating attractive curb appeal and how doing a few repairs
can ultimately save you money with our helpful home photo guide. Watch the videos and see the tips below!
If you think you need to redecorate your entire home... Think again. Here is a helpful video that will give you a few tipson preparing your home for sale.
As we mentioned above, staging is important but you don’t need a professional stager to get the sale... Watch this helpful video to guide you through the steps needed to get a professional looking job without paying the lofty fees.
Creating “Curb Appeal” is not only for those potential buyers driving by, but it also helps when getting your photography together for your ad or online display. In this video you’ll get helpful tips on creating curb appeal for your home through a few simple steps.
Home repairs can actually make you money when selling your home. Don’t wait until you get into escrow before you make a few small repairs. Find out how a few minor repairs can add up to big dollars.
First Impressions are everything, people searching online to buy a home want to see the details in your photography. Put yourself in their shoes. Poor quality photos will not bring in buyers and could create the wrong impressions. Below are a couple of helpful tips when you are taking your own photos of your home.
1. Plan photography in advance. That way you are prepared with a clean house that best represents what a buyer wants to see. This includes having your lawn mowed
and yard in order.
2. Make sure there is enough lighting. Photos that are too dark and filled with shadows don’t display the home’s features very well and may eliminate it from a
buyers list immediately. Also, make sure you take the exterior photos in the middle of the day when the sun is shining. With the sun at it’s peak it will eliminate most long shadows that are cast in
the morning and after noon. For interior shots, use a flash and turn on the lights. The flash adds in all the correct colors and fills in the shadows making the room look brighter. Remember, good
photos help buyers see the beauty in your home.
3. Stage your house like a magazine (at least within the picture). It’s okay to move things around that enhance the photo and create personality but don’t forget to
remove clutter in the area before photographing it. Clear counter spaces, make beds and don’t forget to remove fridge magnets, children’s toys, dirty dishes or other distractions. Also remove
personal photos. Take your time and be prepared to look over the room for things that you may have missed.
4. Take multiple shots of each room. Don’t just take one shot of a room. Move around the room and see what angle shows off the best features. Then after you look at
the pictures, choose the best one that represents that room. If you need to reshoot the room, do it, quality counts.
5. Take plenty of pictures. Make sure you have a good picture of each room. Homebuyers want to see more than just the front of the house. Buyers also want to get a
look at the living room, kitchen, dining room, family room, master bedroom/bathroom and the backyard, Remember to include your home’s best features including a home theater, an exercise room,
oversized closets and laundry room.
6. Describe the rooms. Often times we only see photos with no descriptions when searching for homes online leaving the buyer to guess which room is which. As you
take the pictures write brief descriptions that allow the buyer to see the highlights of the room. (This will also help you in writing your ad)
7. Don’t forget the amenities. Spacious back yards, pools, garages with built in shelving and other amenities are important when a buyer is searching and creating
their “visit list”. Sometimes it’s these minor details that help get your house on that select list. If your home has a spectacular view of a beach, lake, mountains, park or golf course, by all means
post photos of them as well.
8. Cropping the images. When a photographer takes a shot, it is typically not the way we see it. Look through magazines like home and Garden, Redbook, Family,
Southern Living and others that do special layouts of rooms and houses. Use editing software to crop out ceilings or unnecessary backgrounds. A number of free Web sites make editing a snap. Some to
try are, and
Note: If you aren't handy with a camera, hiring a professional real-estate photographer may be the way to go. Examine samples from photographers and ask about their experience before
making your choice.
Extra photo tip: Winter images do not sell as well as spring or summer images do with full leaves on trees and flowers blooming, so beware of the season when taking pictures of the
home exterior.